Adding and deleting events

Adding Events

Click the Add Event button at the top-right of the events settings panel to open your event editor. The following fields are supported:

  • Event Title
  • Description - a description for your event.
  • Event location - the event's location or paste the Google location link. Optionally, link the location to Google Maps.
  • Event Color - a color for the event, represented as a dot on monthly and weekly views. 
  • Date and Time - the start and end date and time. For an all-day event, check the corresponding checkbox. Optionally, hide the time and display only the event's date. Note: In "Month View" settings (Settings -> Views -> Month View), deselect Show events time to hide the time on the month calendar.
  • Recurring Event - set the event to repeat daily, weekly, or monthly. Specify the number of occurrences and decide if there should be an end date. Refer to the recurring events section for more details. 
  • External Link - the link will appear in the event header information. You can display customized link text and choose if it should open on a new page when clicked. 
  • Event Image - upload an image from local files, a web link, a Meta (Facebook) image, or Google Drive. Images are displayed with a 2:1 ratio.

After configuring your event, click the Save button to save it. The event will then appear in the calendar's preview pane. 

Deleting Events

In the My Events menu button, select either the Upcoming, Past, Recurring, or Submissions list. Hover your cursor over an event listing to highlight it, and then click the delete icon located on the right side of the listing.

Editing Events

Within the "My Events" menu button, choose from the Upcoming, Past, Recurring, or Submissions list. Hover your cursor over an event listing to highlight it, and then click the edit icon situated on the right side of the listing. This action will open the event editor. After completing your edits, click the "Save" button at the bottom of the editor to save the changes.

Duplicating Events

In the My Events menu button, select from the Upcoming, Past, Recurring, or Submissions list. Hover your cursor over an event listing to highlight it, and then click the duplicate icon located on the right side of it. The event editor will open, allowing you to make any desired changes to the duplicated event. Once you finish editing, click the "Save" button at the bottom of the editor to save your changes, and the duplicate event will be created.

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